Working together towards a better workplace

Professional and personal coaching: face to face coaching or e-coaching using skype

Inquiry is a network of professional coaches and researchers in the field of work, change and well being at work. We help you improve the well being of your employees by guiding you making soft or stronger structural changes within your organisation. At some point we provide you with advice on what to do, through workshops or in house training. At other times we provide coaching services for one of your employees in need, for a team that meets difficulties. Or we intervene more globally in your organisation with our powerful set of systemic tools.


Emmanuelle Desmedt, our leading English-speaking coach, has worked and lived for 8 years in the UK in London, Lancaster and York. She has a Phd in Management from the University of York. She was a lecturer in Human Resource Management before heading back to Belgium at the end of 2011.

Professional coaching

You are an enterprise or a NGO based in Belgium? You work at the European Commission or the Parliament ? We provide coaching services for employees, work teams or for a more global intervention within your organisation. We come to your own office or we meet up in our own.

Personal coaching

You are an employee in an organisation in Belgium, you don't speak French and you are looking for an English speaking coach?

You are facing difficulties at work or in your personal life and want to clarify things or make a change? We work in strict confidentiality and discretion.

Skype coaching

Sometimes it's just too complicated to travel and it's easier to make coaching happen through skype.

We are amazed at how well using skype for personal or professional coaching works.

Alternatively we can also combine face to face coaching and skype coaching.

Workshops, training and research

Our main training and research activities are in French. However we provide all the training and workshops given in French in English. We cover themes such as change management, burnout prevention, issues of bullying and discrimination, information over the new Belgian law on psycho-social risks, and other human resource management themes.


The best is to contact us to discuss together what we can offer to meet your organisation's needs.


Call us at 0032 (0) 488 299 806 or email us :